Money Myths Busted: What Your Kids Should Know
Kids often believe that only adults need to budget or that all debt is bad. Common myths like “Credit cards give you free money” can be harmful if left unaddressed. This blog helps parents tackle common money myths and teach their children how to handle money responsibly.

5 Reasons Why Its Important To Teach Your Child About Money
Many parents are concerned it’s getting increasingly difficult for their children's generation to get ahead financially. They are right to be. Here are 5 compelling reasons it’s more important than ever that your child learns about earning, saving, borrowing and investing.

7 Things Parents Should Teach Their Kids About Money
What are the BIG messages you need to share with your child about money? The ones that will have the most significant impact on their lives? We've listed what we think are the 7 most important ones and summarized what they need to know.

MoneyTime financial literacy competition In schools
MoneyTime New Zealand has concluded its first-ever nationwide financial literacy competition. The competition enabled classes across New Zealand, where the program was first launched, to compete for the title of Best Financial Literacy Class. The competition was a huge success with over 768 classes competing to take home first prize.

MoneyTime awarded second place in The Money Awareness and Inclusion Awards
MoneyTime is proud to announce being awarded runner up for the Best Non-financial Services Company at the inaugural Money Inclusion and Awareness Award (MAIA) 2022 awards, in what judges considered was the most tightly contested category of the evening.

MoneyTime wins best Children's Education Program of the Year
MoneyTime wins Children's Education Program of the Year 2022, Financial Responsibility & Decision Making in the Annual Excellence In Financial Literacy Education (EIFLE) Awards.

How The MoneyTime Money Management Game Works
MoneyTime combines financial literacy lessons with a fun money management game that kids love. By playing the MoneyTime game, kids get to practice making their own financial decisions and to see the consequences of those decisions. It’s both fun and educational screen time.

30 Financial Literacy Topics To Cover With Your Children
We've spent a lot of time thinking about financial literacy for kids and putting together an effective program we believe teaches children everything they need to know about personal finance.

10 Mistakes To Avoid When Teaching Your Child About Money
Like it or not, you are your child’s financial role model. Monkey see, monkey do. This is a terrifying idea for those of us who weren’t taught about money ourselves. How can you instill positive thoughts and behaviors around money when you are trying to figure out how to be financially successful yourself?

How To Teach Kids About Money
You expect your child to learn about math, reading and science at school, but what about personal finance? Dealing with money is an important part of their everyday lives. It affects the choices they have and the decisions they make yet we’re neglecting to teach our kids how to grow and manage their money.

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