MoneyTime Reviews

We asked homeschool mothers to review MoneyTime and this is what they had to say

Ashley -
Life with more learning

While MoneyTime does have more in depth coverage of financial topics, they do not require you to have any prior knowledge at all. The modules take kids step-by-step through the information, and there are also several modules for you to work through with your child, but again, the information is step-by-step and easy to follow.

Charlene Hess -
Un-Hess Academy

We have still been struggling to find a good financial education resource that is thorough and complete to use with our kids. So of course, you can imagine my excitement to come across MoneyTime and their financial literacy program for kids. Teaching children to be money smart while they are still under your financial responsibility will set them up with positive financial habits. And the MoneyTime financial literacy curriculum is the best online programs on financial literacy for kids we’ve found.

Tonya Nolan

You could spend hours scouring the internet for the best course on investing for kids or I could just tell you right now to head on over to the MoneyTime website and save you a whole heap of time and trouble.  I was amazed by how easy MoneyTime was to work with. The helpful characters and games make this program one that your kids will be asking to “play” and all the while learning life skills.

Betsy Strauss -
Family-Style Homeschooling

This is one of the best courses on investing for kids. The best part is that it offers them options to control their financial earning which gives them ownership of their education. This lays an excellent foundation to build from as their interest grows in various aspects of gaining financial freedom. If you'd like additional guidance in navigating the curriculum, parents can download the free study guide. It offers great tips for working through this program with your student.

Jessica May -
Hill Country Homestead

I love that they can experience these things virtually first and practice their responses and I feel confident it will reduce many of the struggles that I had to face learning the hard way about money growing up. They often lose track of time when they log on to the website and end up completing more modules than I asked of them so I know they are enjoying their financial literacy assignments! 

Ashley -
The Homeschool Resource Room

I am always looking for programs that encourage independence. I knew this one was a winner minutes after we signed in. I didn’t need to explain or look over his shoulder. He took off flying and gave himself a job of pulling weeds and raking leaves in our neighborhood.
Really this is hilarious if you know my son. My favorite part is that the program engages kids with a reward system that directly relates to learning the concepts.

Tiffany -
Homeschool Hideout

No need to sit next to your child as they complete the program. You can be off washing dishes, catching up on laundry, helping other kiddos with math or *GASP* sitting down and relaxing! Nothing turns my kids off quite like a complicated program…it’s a nightmare for them. That’s why they love Money Time’s easy-to-use interface. The fun illustrations and games make it their favorite way to fill some time!

Megan Zechman - Education Possible

One of the best ways to make sure you’re covering as many topics as possible is to use a finance curriculum. However, the problem is that most of them are dry, boring, and geared toward older teens. Personally, I want to use a program that makes learning about money as fun as possible. That’s why I was thrilled when I was introduced to MoneyTime. It’s their belief that teaching older kids about money at home can be fun for both tweens and parents.

Sheila Rogers -
Brainpower Family

The great thing about this is that it takes the learning out of a game and makes it real since you are talking about your own family’s choices. If you have kids who like to spend time on the computer, this online program on financial literacy for kids is just the ticket. After using the program for a couple of months I would say yes, it is worth the money because it is a very thorough program that covers a lot of topics that your kids need to know.

Brandi -
Mama Teaches

As someone who has certain hang-ups about money and who, admittedly, is not as financially savvy as I should be, it was a huge relief to have a reliable, easy to understand resource for my kids. Honestly, I’ve been learning as much about financial literacy as they have! What do the kids think of it? They love the program and look forward to using it. We’ve incorporated it into our math curriculum time, but you could easily use it as a supplemental course or even an elective for high school.

MaryAnne Kochenderfer -
Mama Smiles

You can’t manage money without understanding how it works, but money is complicated! This is where a program like MoneyTime is gold! This program is very thorough! It teaches the basics, like how a savings account works. Kids have the option of investing in education for higher future earnings. They also get to see how different career choices lead to different earning potential. But that’s only the beginning!